Blog Post

Why You Should Fix Dents Sooner Rather Than Later

  • By Tony Mers
  • 29 Apr, 2021
dent repair

There is a saying among car aficionados that goes something like: "if you own a car long enough, eventually it will get a dent." No matter what the make, model, or year of your car, you can decently rest on the assumption that eventually it will be damaged by the world at large. Whether that damage is an incredibly huge hole or a small ding depends on a variety of factors, but it doesn't stop car owners from loathing seeking out dent repair services.

In fact, you should almost consider yourself lucky if all your car receives is a large dent. In the USA there are approximately 6 million car accidents each year, so to only have to deal with paint scratches or a broken windshield is much better than taking your life in your hands. Instead of having to call an ambulance, you will simply have to deal with a tow truck or the headache of your local business directory.

So let's find out exactly why dent repair should be a priority, rather than something to be avoided. In this article, we'll give you reasons why you should be getting those dents fixed beyond a simple "it's what a good car owner should do." These will be practical and realistic tips, meant to get you started down the path of self-reliance and back on the road.

It Could Cause Long Term Damage To Your Paint Job And Frame

One of the concerning things that dents to your car is cause body damage. While this body damage is often purely cosmetic, it can sometimes trickle down to other areas and necessitate getting a car fixed holistically. Something that starts as a small problem may eventually snowball until you are no longer fixing a dent, but an entire portion of your vehicle.

For example, a large dent will break up the sealant on your paint job, causing it to be brittle and crack. This can not only affect the look and feel of your paint job on your car but depending on how big the dent is it can cause the elements to get into the interior frame of your car. Once the elements have been allowed into the frame of your car, there is no telling what rust damage or other items may be allowed into it.

Reduced Resale Value For Your Car

Assuming that you don't fix your dents and they are not serious like the situation we've presented above, you will still have to deal with a reduced resale value for your car. If you ever intend to sell it, a thorough inspection will be done and it will be very difficult to conceal dents that have happened to your car in prior times. Instead, it's best to fix them as they happen and get the car working as good as new. Keeping dents on your car simply makes a potential buyer feel as though a multitude of other things are probably also going on, and they will ask for a lower price to mitigate risk.

They're Cheaper To Fix Now, Rather Than Later

Dent repair, like any form of auto body repair, is actually easiest to do when the problem first occurs. If you know what the dent was caused by, when it happened, and how it's currently impacting your vehicle, it allows a professional to diagnose the problem accordingly and present the perfect solution for you. If instead you wait for a long time and allow a rust spot to form, paint to flake, or other environmental factors to creep in, you could be looking at a greatly increased bill and longer repair times as a professional tries to give you the best solution.

If You Get It Done By A Professional, You'll Be Done

Many people think that they can perform expert dent repair themselves, using items that they bought on TV or homemade remedies. While we applaud your efforts, we'd also ask you to consult a professional instead. Whether you're repairing dents from hail or a fender bender, you don't have the tools or expertise necessary to get the job done like a quality repair shop. Instead, rest easy with a guaranteed job from someone who is trained to do so.

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